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Welcome to the FinTomo - network homepage!

FinTomo - network was founded on the fall of 2017 to improve communication and co-operation between Finnish tomography entities. We welcome everyone to our mailing list, which is used to share information about our activities. Interested? You can join here! In addition to the list the network aims to improve the use of national CT equipment, share information between laboratories and achieve shared projects and applications. Members of the network meet in a yearly FinTomo seminar. Previous seminars have been held 2018 in Espoo, 2019 in Helsinki, 2023 in Oulu, and 2024 in Jyväskylä. The location for 2025 will be Kuopio! The date is confirmed as 10.-11.4.2025!

Laboratories in the network:

 Geologian tutkimuskeskus  Helsingin yliopisto - Fysiikan laitos Jyväskylän yliopisto - Fysiikan laitos Oulun yliopisto - Lääketieteellisen kuvantamisen yksikkö Turku PET Centre
 Tampere University  University of Eastern Finland    Aalto University
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