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MPM seminar was held in Rovaniemi and online on the 4th May, 2018.

Nykänen, V., Middleton, M., Ahtonen, N., Niiranen, T., Strengell, J., Kallunki, J, Korhonen, K., Janhila, M., Lahti. I. 2018. Science Blog: MPM Online Tool – find ore deposits smartly with geodata.

Nykänen, V. and Middleton, M. 2017. Nykänen, V. and Middleton, M. 2017.Dynamic exploration data analysis - Mineral Prospectivity Modeller (MPM). In: Mineral Prospectivity, current approaches and future innovations, Mineral prospectivity conference, Orléans, France, 24-26 October 2017, book of abstracts, 75-76. In: Mineral Prospectivity, current approaches and future innovations, Mineral prospectivity conference, Orléans, France, 24-26 October 2017, book of abstracts, 75-76. Electronic publication available at

Nykänen, V., Middleton, M., Niiranen, T. 2016. Dynamic prospectivity mapping tools for mineral exploration. In: First International Conference Mining in Europe. AIMS, 18-19 May 2016, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. Abstract Volume, p. 60.

New tools and methods for mineral prospectivity mapping. Geofoorumi 2/2016.

Nykänen, V.M., Molnár, F., Niiranen, T., Lahti I., Korhonen, K., Cook, N. and Skyttä P. 2016. Fuzzy logic prospectivity model for gold within the Paleoproterozoic Peräpohja Belt, Northern Fennoscandian Shield, Finland. In: Abstract volume, the 35th IGC, Cape Town, South Africa.

Nykänen, V., and Middleton, M., 2016. MINERAL PROSPECTIVITY MODELLER– GIS TOOLS FOR MINERAL EXPLORATION. 20.-23.11. Sustainability of mineral resources and environment, Bratislava, Slovakia. Poster and Extended abstract.