WP7: Synthesis, communication, coordination


The purpose of the WP7 is 1) to coordinate the scientific and technical activities of the project at the consortium level; 2) To ensure the smooth running of the project, 3) To provide timely and financial efficient co-ordination of the project, 4) To provide quality control and conflict resolution mechanisms to support the project’s consortium, 5) To facilitate exchange of information in between partners and work packages.


The research of the case study sites in Romania, Finland, Portugal and Sweden will be carried out by co-operated field studies (WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5) as well as sample and data exchange between partners. Some tasks in WP2 and WP6 involve student exchange between partner countries.

Each partner will contribute in writing the final report and general results will be published and submitted according to Transnational Call Office (TCO) and National funding agencies policies. Additionally, scientific articles will be published in high impact peer review periodicals and the results will also be presented in international conferences. Some of the research tasks will also result in Ph. D. and M. Sc. Thesis. Possible added value for the research will be carried out by contacting the local media.

  • Meetings and workshops
  • Dissemination
  • Project coordination