Weather & Time


Weather in the end of August and in the beginning of September can be sunny and warm or rainy and very chilly. Average temperature varies between +5 and +19 degrees Celcius. The average temperature in Vaasa in September is + 9 ˚C and in August +14.5 ˚C. Average of wet days is 13-14 in these months. Average rainfall is around 65 mm. Preparing yourself with water-resistant clothing is recommended.

Metric Climograph

Vaasa Climate graph contributed by

  Imperial Climograph

Vaasa Climate graph contributed by

Currrent Weather in Vaasa 

Current time in Vaasa

Finland´s standard time zone is UTC/GMT + 2 hours. Time zone abbreviation is EET –Eastern European time. In 2012 daylight saving time begins at March 25th and ends at October 28th. Length of the day September 1st is 14 hours 24 minutes. Sunrise is 6:20 and sunset 20:45.