Project activities

The project will study history and advantages of using local stone in construction in the project area. The use of natural stone in construction has long tradition in the largest cities of the area, especially in ST. Petersburg and Helsinki. An analysis of future needs of natural stone (qualities and quantities) in reconstruction and construction in the southern Finland and St Petersburg regions will be carried out.

An evaluation of the markets for natural stone in environmental building in chosen cities will be carried out. Ideas for new environmental building product using natural stone, especially left-over stone, will be defined. Information about planned near future environmental buildings projects will be collected.

The long term durability properties of natural stone use in the city environment will be studied. The results are used in characterization of the durability and weathering mechanisms of different stone types and are used for preparation and promotion of guidelines of stone selection for construction and renovation.

The existing information about the natural stone quarries and new potential natural stone deposits in the project area is evaluated. The information will be collected in a database and provided to the companies, authorities and investors for further development and as a base for developing their business activities.

Development of the assessment process of natural stone occurrences will be done by comparing the Finnish and Russian natural stone exploration methods and testing them in selected new stone occurrences. The best methods and suggestions will be promoted to the industry and authorities in both countries. The best evaluation methods allow the companies to find deposits of better quality and to make natural stone production more efficient and sustainable.

The project will prepare suggestions for harmonization of legislative regulations in natural stone trade. The general aim is to lower the trade barriers between EU and Russia concerning natural stone and to facilitate easier trade.

 Activities 1 and 2

 Activity 3

 Activities 4 and 6

This project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland